Frequently Asked Question

How do I create an account on GEWIS Vault?
Last Updated 3 years ago

The GEWIS Vault is intended for use by GEWIS members and not by others. For this reason, the sign up functionality on the sign in page has been disabled. However, admins of the vault for an organ can invite other users. In general, the chair is the admin of an organization.

I am a chair

Please create a ticket and request an account and an organization in which you are an admin. A CBC member will be able to create an organization for you and send you an invite. If you do not want the CBC to have access to your passwords, please remove the CBC account from your organization.

  • The CBC sends an invite to the chair
  • The chair accepts this invite using an existing or a new account
  • The chair sends their 5 word fingerprint phrase to the CBC
  • The CBC verifies that the fingerprint phrase matches the phrase in the web application and grants the user access to the organization

I am not a chair

Ask the chair of your organ to create an organization and invite you. If you receive an invite and do not have an account, you will be given the opportunity to create one.

This procedure consists of a couple of steps:

  • The chair sends an invite to the member
  • The member accepts this invite using an existing or a new account
  • The member sends their 5 word fingerprint phrase to the chair of their organ
  • The chair verifies that the fingerprint phrase matches the phrase in the web application and grants the user access to the organization

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